Plato is a member of an old and distinguished family which had a large number of political connexions in Athens. Plato's own disillusionment at the political scene led to the conclusion that all existing States were badly governed, and that it would require really drastic treatment to reform them. The aim of Plato's Academy is, as have said, to train philosopher–statesmen, and The Republic is a statement of that aim, and so dealt at some length with the means to be employed; it dealt with education. The Republic Plato looks for justice, or morality, in the harmonious functioning of the various departments of society. The future Guardians will proved and tried in the study of Philosophy, and those who lack the true philosophical nature will relegated to the class of Auxiliaries; those who are successful will become the Philosopher–Rulers and perfect Guardians of the State. The essential purpose of such education is to turn the "inner eye" towards the Light.