This volume explores the contents, forms, and actors that characterize current opposition to the corporate neoliberal agri-food regime. Designed to generate a coherent, informed and updated analysis of resistance in agri-food, empirical and theoretical contributions analyze the relationship between expressions of the neoliberal corporate system and various projects of opposition.

Contributions included in the volume probe established forms and rationales of resistance including civic agriculture, consumer- and community-based initiatives, labor, cooperative and gender-based protest, struggles in opposition to land grabbing and mobilization of environmental science and ecological resistance. The core contribution of the volume is to theorize and to empirically assess the limits and contradictions that characterize these forms of resistance. In particular, the hegemonic role of the neoliberal ideology and the ways in which it has ‘captured’ processes of resistance are illustrated. Through the exploration of the tension between legitimate calls for emancipation and the dominant power of Neoliberalism, the book contributes to the ongoing debate on the strengths and limits of Neoliberalism in agri-food. It also engages critically with the outputs and potential outcomes of established and emerging resistance movements, practices, and concepts.

chapter |18 pages


part I|73 pages

The corporate domination of agri-food

chapter 2|15 pages

Best practices

The artificial negativity of agri-food

chapter 3|14 pages

Accountability, rationality, and politics

Critical analysis of agri-environmental policy reform in the United States

chapter 4|14 pages

‘Market civilization’ and global agri-food

Understanding their dynamics and (in)coherence through multiple resistances

chapter 5|14 pages

Resistance to the neoliberal food regime in the sphere of consumption

Considering the importance of mental labor in food provisioning

part II|40 pages

Resistance and/through the state

chapter 7|14 pages

Geographical indication and resistance in global agri-food

The case of miso in Japan

chapter 8|13 pages

Community action, government support, and historical distance

Enabling transformation or neoliberal inclusion?

part III|95 pages

The diversity of resistance

chapter 11|15 pages

Resisting Monsanto

Monarch butterflies and cyber-actors

chapter 12|15 pages

‘Haiti: Open for business’

New perspectives on inclusive and sustainable development

chapter 13|15 pages

Imperfect, partial, and interstitial

Gradations of resistance in a failed food hub

chapter 14|18 pages


The contradictions of resistance to neoliberal agri-food