Resistant Reproductions asks why narratives of pregnancy and abortion emerged in the early twentieth century and what kinds of stories these narratives conveyed. Is it only once pregnancy becomes plannable that it becomes a story worth telling? Abortion is often considered resistant and feminist, while pregnancy is considered domestic and conventional. How can readings of literary narratives challenge this reductive binary?

Resistant Reproductions, the first book-length study of both pregnancy and abortion in British culture, addresses these questions by examining pregnancy narratives, including abortion narratives, in British fiction and film from 1907 to 1967. Fiction became a way for writers to explore what new possibilities of reproductive control would mean for the individual, yet there was also much anxiety about who would have control: individuals or the state. While exploring intimate personal experiences of pregnancy and abortion, Resistant Reproductions also asks how literary narratives used reproductive plots to address political issues of gender, class, and eugenics.

chapter |22 pages


chapter 1|17 pages

Pregnancy as Protest

Speculative Fiction by WWI and Interwar Women Writers Beyond Brave New World

chapter 2|23 pages

Blood and Pain and Ugliness

Abortion in the 1930s Writings of Naomi Mitchison

chapter 3|23 pages

The Shattered Mould

Rosamond Lehmann and Abortion in 1930s Rhetoric and Fiction

chapter 4|33 pages

A Bit of Himself

Male-Authored Abortion Narratives from Waste to Alfie

chapter 5|17 pages

Bubble Baths for Brenda

Pregnancy and Abortion in Saturday Night and Sunday Morning and ‘Angry Young Man’ Narratives in Mid-Century British Novels and Film

chapter 6|22 pages

Babies without Husbands

Unmarried Pregnancy in 1960s British Fiction

chapter |12 pages
