Clinical Disorders of Social Cognition provides contemporary neuroscientific theories of social cognition in a wide range of conditions across the lifespan. Taking a trans-diagnostic approach to understanding these disorders, it discusses how they present in different conditions, ranging from brain injury to neurodevelopmental disorders, psychiatric conditions and dementia.

Social cognitive disorders directly impact upon individuals’ work, leisure and social functioning. This book also collates and critiques the best and most useful assessment tools across the different disorders and coalesces research into intervention strategies across disorders to provide practical information about how such disorders can be assessed and treated so individuals can have meaningful, effective and satisfying social interactions.

This book is essential reading for clinicians who work with people with clinical disorders and who are looking for new knowledge to understand, assess and treat their clients with social cognitive impairment. It will also appeal to students and professionals in clinical neuropsychology, speech and language pathology and researchers who are interested in learning more about the social brain and understanding how evidence from clinical conditions can inform this.

chapter Chapter 1|51 pages

Introduction to social cognition

chapter Chapter 6|26 pages

Social cognition in psychiatric disorders

chapter Chapter 8|28 pages

Social cognition in neurodegenerative diseases

Huntington's disease, Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis