This volume explores several notable themes related to foreign affairs in Latin America and the reconfiguration of the power of the different states in the region. It offers insightful historical perspectives for understanding national, regional and global issues from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day, from analysis of the traditional "hegemony" of the United States over Latin America through its military, and political influence due to the presence of the European Union, Russia, and China. These views cannot be reduced to a simplistic vision of the dominant and subordinate; rather, they attempt to seek lines of continuity by highlighting traditional interpretations of new scenarios such as regional trading and security blocs. The volume refuses to impose a traditional and uncritical linear historical narrative onto the reader but instead proposes an alternative interpretation of the past and its relation to the present. Finally, the growing importance of international mechanisms in enabling the success of certain Latin American regimes is also highlighted, in particular the influence of regional diffusion through international organizations or other networks.

chapter 2|22 pages

Russian Foreign Policy towards Argentina

More Than a Hundred Years of History

chapter 4|20 pages

Brazil and Argentina in the Context of the Two World Wars

Latin American Regional Geopolitics and the Paradox of Insertion through Isolation (1914–1945)

chapter 5|16 pages

Latin American Diplomacy

The Years around the Bretton Woods Conference, 1944 1

chapter 7|28 pages

“Fuera el imperialismo yanqui de América Latina. Viva la Revolución Cubana”

Uruguayan Anti-Imperialist Students and Eisenhower's Visit in 1960 1

chapter 8|24 pages

Between Love and Hate

Latin America versus Spain

chapter 10|28 pages

“Dreams of Revolution”

The Regional Impact of the Bolivarian Wave

chapter 11|21 pages

Border Politics in UNASUR

Lessons from the Triple Andean Frontier

chapter 13|22 pages

Latin America versus the U.S. Trump Administration

Crisis and Subordination (2017–2021)