The present-day power grid is basically a complex power transmission network with risks of failure due to unplanned attacks and contingencies, and therefore, assessment of vulnerability of transmission network is important and the process is based on contingency approach. This book deals with the methods of assessment of the grid network vulnerability and addresses the grid collapse problem due to cascaded failures of the transmission network following an attack or an unplanned contingency. Basic mitigation aspects for the network has been explored and the immunity of such a power transmission network against vulnerable collapse has been described using mathematical models.

1. Introduction. 2. Traditional approach in analysis of faults in power system. 3. Contingency Analysis. 4. Fundamental concepts of Complex Network Theory 5. Vulnerability Assessment of Power Transmission Network. 6. Analysis of Cascading Failure and Islanding in Grid Network. 7. Assessment of Resilience in Power Transmission Network. 8. Effect of Distributed Energy Sources.