This book explores how everyday life within educational institutions changes in response to ideas of interdisciplinarity at policy level. It provides new insights into different configurations of interdisciplinarity, which traverses all levels of the Danish educational system.

Offering a novel perspective to interdisciplinarity in terms of its configurations, the book discusses the Danish educational system and its current transformations, showing how progressive ideas are entangled with new forms of accountability and complex responsibilities. It identifies the concrete challenges that interdisciplinarity is expected to solve, and the organizational changes resulting from the solutions introduced, arguing that interdisciplinarity in education is neither a uniform or consistent process, nor are the kinds of disciplining it may yield.

This book will appeal to academics, researchers, and post-graduate students in the fields of interdisciplinary education, pedagogy, comparative education and northern European educational and welfare systems.

chapter 1|21 pages


Configurations of interdisciplinarity across the educational system

chapter 4|25 pages

Interdisciplinarity in the University Colleges

Versions of interprofessional responsibility

chapter 6|10 pages

Conclusion: Configurations of interdisciplinarity

Justifications, re-organisations and new forms of disciplining