The Routledge Handbook of Asian Linguistics provides a comprehensive overview of the ways in which Asian languages should be conceptualized as a whole, the distinct characteristics of each language group, and the relationships and results of interactions between the languages and language families in Asia.

Asia is the largest and the most populous continent on Earth, and the site of many of the first civilizations. This Handbook aims to provide a systematic overview of Asian languages in both theoretical and functional perspectives, optimally combining the two in intercultural settings. In other words, the text will provide a reference for researchers of individual Asian languages or language groups against the background of the entire range of Asian languages.

Not only does the Handbook act as a reference to a particular language, it also connects each language to other Asian languages in the perspective of the entire Asian continent. Cultural roles and communicative functions of language are also emphasized as an important domain where the various Asian languages interact and shape each other. With extensive coverage of both theoretical and applied linguistic topics, The Routledge Handbook of Asian Linguistics is an indispensable resource for students and researchers working in this area.

chapter |8 pages


part I|101 pages

Typological and historical linguistics

part II|93 pages

Syntactic structures

chapter 6|17 pages

Word-Order Variations in Asian Languages

At the syntax-processing interface

chapter 8|18 pages

Inside the DP-World in Asian Languages

Structures, movements, and debates

chapter 10|18 pages

Null Anaphora in Vietnamese

Pro and argument ellipsis

part III|93 pages

Phonology and morphology

part IV|94 pages

Discourse and pragmatics

chapter 17|18 pages

The Metapragmatic Speech-Style Shift in Japanese

From the telling mode to the showing mode

chapter 18|17 pages

Linguistic Politeness in Korean

Speech levels and terms of address

chapter 19|20 pages

How to Say No in Korean

Sociopragmatic and pragmalinguistic analysis of speech acts of refusal

chapter 20|17 pages

Meaning as Use

The pragmatics of Vietnamese speech practice

part V|68 pages


chapter 21|13 pages

Effects of Spoken and Written Language on Cognition

Evidence from Thai and other Asian languages

chapter 22|22 pages

The Versatility of Inferential Evidentiality

Evidence from Saaroa

chapter 23|15 pages

Cross-Language Perception of Mandarin Lexical Tones

Comparison of listeners from Burmese, Thai, and Vietnamese backgrounds

part VI|68 pages


chapter 25|16 pages

Reclaiming Linguistic Patrimony

The case of Nusalaut, a Moluccan language in the Netherlands 1

chapter 27|20 pages

Language Ideologies in Vietnam

chapter 28|14 pages

Critical Pedagogy Meets Patriotic Education in China

Opportunities and possibilities

part VIII|80 pages

Applied linguistics

chapter 35|17 pages

Academic Japanese

Challenges and myths for learners of Japanese as a foreign language in the US

chapter 36|16 pages

Korean L2 Learning and Teaching

Practices and perspectives

chapter 37|17 pages

Language Attitudes, Country Stereotypes, and L2 Motivation

A focus on ASEAN languages