Classical Economics, Keynes and Money casts new light on an approach to economic theory and policy that combines the modern classical theory of prices and income distribution with a Keynesian analysis of money and finance. Structured in four parts, the work considers issues within classical economics, monetary economics, Keynesian and post-Keynesian Economics, rationality and economic methodology. These themes are all central to the work of Carlo Panico, and the chapters both reflect on and build on his key contributions to the field. This collection is of interest to advanced students and researchers in the history of economic thought, monetary theory, financial economics and heterodox economics.

chapter 2|8 pages

Asking the right questions

part I|100 pages

Classical theory of value and distribution

chapter 3|26 pages

On physical real cost, labour and metaphysics

Sraffa on alternative theories of value and distribution and on Pareto's distinction between ‘literary’ and ‘mathematical economists’ 1

chapter 4|12 pages

Sraffa and the problem of returns

A view from the Sraffa archive

chapter 5|21 pages

Class struggle and hired prize-fighters

A Marx-inspired perspective on the present state of economic theory and its social causes 1

part II|81 pages

Keynesian and Post-Keynesian theories of growth and distribution

part III|98 pages

Monetary and fiscal policies and the role of institutions

part IV|33 pages

The problem of rationality in economics