This volume surveys transnational encounters and entanglements between Germany and East Asia since 1945, a period that has witnessed unprecedented global connections between the two regions. It examines their sociopolitical and cultural connections through a variety of media. Since 1945, cultural flow between Germany and East Asia has increasingly become bidirectional, spurred by East Asian economies’ unprecedented growth. In exploring their dynamic and evolving relations, this volume emphasizes how they have negotiated their differences and have frequently cooperated toward common goals in meeting the challenges of the contemporary world. Given their long-standing historical differences, their post-1945 relations reveal a surprisingly high degree of affinity in many areas. To show how they have deeply shaped each other’s views, this volume presents 12 chapters by scholars from the fields of history, sinology, sociology, literature, music, and film. Topics include cultural topics, such as German and Swiss writers on East Asia (Enzensberg, Muschg, and Kreitz), Japanese writer on Germany (Tezuka and Tawada), German commemorative culture in Korea, Beethoven in China, metal music in Germany and Japan, diary films on Japan (Wenders), as well as sociopolitical topics, such as Sino– East German diplomacy, Germans and Korean democracy, and Japanes and Korean communities in Germany.

part I|66 pages

Political and Social Connections since 1945

chapter 2|25 pages

A Bridge from Beijing to Berlin

Diplomatic and Trade Cooperation in Sino–East German Relations, 1949–1955

chapter 4|21 pages

Commemorative Culture in Korea and Germany

State Commemoration of Fallen Soldiers and Civilian Victims

part II|43 pages

East Asian Transnational Communities since 1945

chapter 5|21 pages

Two Generations of Korean–Germans

From Silent Integration to Glass Ceiling

part III|90 pages

Literary Connections since 1945

chapter 7|22 pages

Reframing Footage from Deshima

Swiss Writer Adolf Muschg’s Exploration of Japan and Japanese Sexuality

chapter 8|19 pages

Parable of the Delusionist?

Hans Magnus Enzensberger’s Adaptation of Lu Xun’s “Resurrecting the Dead”

chapter 9|24 pages

Film-Noir Features in German and Japanese Comics

Isabel Kreitz’s Die Sache mit Sorge (2008) and Osamu Tezuka’s Adolf (1983–1985)

part IV|66 pages

Filmic and Musical Connections since 1945

chapter 11|22 pages

What Beethoven Means in the People’s Republic of China

Hero or Demon?

chapter 13|20 pages

The Road to Japan

The Tokyo Diary Films of Wim Wenders