This book offers original insights into cultural transformations of the sensory with particular emphasis on environments and technologies, articulating a special moment in the sensory history of urban Europe as people’s relationship with their environment is increasingly shaped through digital technologies.

It is a much-needed addition to Sensory Studies literature with its firmly grounded empirical and theoretical perspectives. It provides radical and impactful food for thought on sensory engagements with urban environments. After reading the book, the reader will have a profound understanding of the original methodology of sensobiographic walking, as well as transdisciplinary and transgenerational ethnographies in different cultural contexts – in this case three European cities.

The book is aimed at a large audience of readers. It is equally useful for social and human scientists and students finalizing their MA degrees or working on their doctoral or post-doctoral work, and essential reading for environmental planners, youth workers, city planners and architects, among others.

part 1|74 pages

Transforming knowledge

chapter 2|24 pages

Embodied dialogues

A transformative pedagogy of space, time, and identity

chapter 3|19 pages

Anthropology of the senses/sensory anthropology

Pre-theoretical commitments and their consequences

chapter 4|21 pages

Sensorial narrations on music and dance

Extrapolating affect from sensobiographic walks

chapter 5|8 pages

Analysing the SENSOTRA project

Collaborative coding

part 2|122 pages

Transforming cultures

chapter 7|17 pages

Senses on/of the move

Mobilities, place-making, and the urban sensory commons

chapter 10|24 pages

City atmosphere forming place attachment

The case of Brighton (UK)

chapter 11|14 pages

‘With some people you share a level’

Digitechnological likenessing in urban space

part 3|63 pages

Mediating transformations

chapter 12|20 pages

Immediacies of mediation

Exploring the co-emergence of media, environments and sensory experiences

chapter 13|22 pages

Urban nature and digital media technologies entangled

Sensobiographies of young people in Turku, Finland

chapter 14|19 pages

Civic disobedience and counter-cultural politics

Towards culture-historical sensobiographies