This is one of the first few books to discuss the Covid-19 crisis as an urban phenomenon and illustrates this through the case of Singapore and its pandemic response efforts.

The book describes the implications and impacts of the pandemic on Singapore’s urban landscape, economy, and society. It also assesses the urban interventions that have emerged in response to the pandemic. It examines the spatial implications and challenges of delineating safe distancing in various public and commercial spaces and evaluates the effectiveness of these interventions. The book also explains how Singapore’s smart city capabilities help with its Covid-19 response.

This book will be of great interest to urban planners, healthcare professionals, and policymakers across the world, particularly those who are hoping to learn from the success and limitations of Singapore’s Covid-19 responses.

chapter 1|13 pages

Port in Stormy Seas

chapter 2|13 pages

Urban Policy and Pandemics

chapter 3|16 pages

Till Sickness Do Us Part

Social Distancing and Lockdowns

chapter 4|13 pages

Mobilising the City

Urban Infrastructure and Capacity

chapter 5|7 pages

Ground-Up Urban Interventions

chapter 6|5 pages

Plans and Dreams

Rethinking the City in a Post-Covid World