Teaching in remote, distance, and hybrid environments can be overwhelming and confusing and poses many challenges for novice and veteran teachers alike. This book guides teachers through the best practices of English language arts (ELA) instruction and helps them reflect on ways to apply those practices in remote learning and envision future instruction that draws from the most useful aspects of educational innovations. Understanding that remote teaching looks different in each subject, Ruday and Cassidy identify methods specifically designed for middle and high school ELA classrooms.

Designed for use in remote, hybrid, and hyflex environments with synchronous or asynchronous learning, this resource gives teachers a toolbox of research-backed recommendations, ideas, examples, and practices for teaching in unpredictable and new environments. Ruday and Cassidy address essential topics, including writing, grammar, and reading instruction; assessment; differentiation; culturally relevant teaching; family engagement and communication; technology; professional self-care; and more. Teachers will come away with ready-to-implement strategies and insights for high-quality instruction that can be adapted to any kind of remote learning environment.

chapter |7 pages


Visions and Decisions in a New Educational Environment

section I|21 pages

The New “Classroom”

section II|67 pages

The Potential of Remote ELA Instruction

section III|17 pages

Teacher Roles in a New World

chapter 9|5 pages

Reflecting on Technology

chapter 10|4 pages

Taking Care of Yourself

section IV|8 pages


chapter 11|6 pages

Key Takeaway Ideas