This chapter focuses on the leadership model developed in the philosophical and management works of Swami Bodhananda. While employing concepts of dharma, karma and yoga from traditional Indian sources, and contemporary challenges in leadership studies, Swami Bodhananda promulgates a style of leadership—‘transcendental leadership’—in which hierarchies and divisions coalesce to highlight the hidden potential in each individual to take initiatives, think creatively and go beyond the binaries of reason and emotion, intellect and intuition, the one who leads and who follows, the present and the future. As relation between the agent and act of leadership is inalienable, the person- and behaviour-oriented facets of leadership gain relevance only in the unique contexts outlined by culture, community and nation. Bodhananda’s philosophy of leadership is based on individual psychology infused with organisational and group dynamics. The chapter explores the great challenge of present times: optimising human satisfaction with minimal resources for maximum people.