This chapter assesses whether and, if so, how, the UK has interpreted and applied its obligations in the realm of challenging the far-right as the emanate from international and European conventions. The State Party’s latest report was considered in the Human Rights Committee’s session between June and July 2015. In the report submitted by the UK, the government held that it ‘remains to be convinced of the added practical value to people in the UK of rights of individual petition to the United Nations’. The most relevant article of the Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) to the current analysis is Article 4, which deals with condemning racist propaganda and organisations. The UK signed the ICERD in 1966 and ratified it in 1969 but has not yet incorporated it into national law. In September 2011, the CERD published its Concluding Observations on the country’s 18th and 19th periodic reports.