For most of the theses a version of pragmatism serves well: Accepting as a fact the emerging neogenesis capacities of the human species, discussing what needs to be done to prevent uses for the bad and encourage utilization for the better, and considering how to implement what is necessary. The proposal to conceive of humankind as Homo creator, instead of Homo sapiens, is not an idle word game. In addition to the dangers of hubris stemming from the delusion of being ‘sapiens’, there is a fundamental difference between wisdom and creativity. Wisdom, as recognized in Eastern philosophy, does not necessarily entail constant activity. Considering the world as it was not long ago, on an evolution time scale, and comparing it with the world now, one cannot but be amazed by the creativity of our species. The chain from the myth of Icarus to visiting the moon and returning to Earth is not only quite short, but dense with amazing creativity.