The Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata is a major orchard pest in several countries. Correct identification of a given stage within the puparium is necessary to monitor the degree of synchronization of Ceratitis capitata mass-cultures for sterile male programs. Morphogenetic changes were recorded during the stages corresponding to pre-pupa, pupa, and pharate adult instars and correlated with stage-specific synthesis and deposition of cuticle components and of ocular pigments. The process of pupariation consists of the modification of the larval cuticle, which becomes stiff and colored through the process of sclerotization to form the puparium. Pupation is the process that leads to pupa formation. Age determination for irradiation or other purposes can be made independently of the temperature and other conditions of the insectary. Further work is under way to correlate our results with the main stages and landmarks in the development of male gonads.