Model composites of Kevlar-49® and D-glass fiber/epoxy systems were analyzed using NMR imaging and FT-IR microscopy. The surfaces of both reinforcing agents were found to affect the curing process of the epoxy significantly. The NMR images reveal an accelerated rate of cure in the proximity of the fibers as compared with the bulk, indicating strong interactions between the fibers and the matrices. To characterize these interactions spectroscopically, FT-IR microscopy was performed on Kevlar-reinforced microcomposites. Transmission spectra and IR functional group images reveal a preferential segregation of the epoxy resin to the fiber surface. Thin films of epoxy resin deposited on single Kevlar filaments were also examined using FT-IR microscopy. Spectra and IR images from these samples suggest that the amine group of the Kevlar fiber is reacting with the epoxide ring of the resin to catalyze the curing process.