The United Nations (2014) has projected that by 2050, 66% of the world’s population will become city residents. This situation may escalate into problems for cities caught unaware. Smart technology, which is one of the dimensions of the smart city concept, is a proposed solution. The research discussed in this article was based on previous research conducted by Indrawati, Setiawan, and Amani (2017). The aim was to learn the index value of smart technology readiness in Bandung. This research utilized a mixed method approach, and data collection was done through literature studies, interviews, observations, and surveys. The source of this research was based on the quadruple helix method. Based on the results of data processing, the index value of the application of smart technology in Bandung is 72.89. This shows that the level of readiness of smart technology in Bandung is quite good and satisfying, but in some cases, there are still shortcomings.