Finally, some thoughts for the future. Cautious optimism needs to be balanced by a realistic appraisal of the challenges facing conservation. We identify six necessary trends. (1) From protected areas to area-based conservation; a dramatic widening of the tools used in conservation to bring larger areas into the conservation estate. (2) From management to stewardship; a similar broadening of the people involved in area-based conservation. (3) Recognising all the benefits; identifying area-based conservation as a major vehicle, perhaps the major vehicle, for delivering ecosystem services. (4) Connecting through the mosaic; developing area-based conservation systems rather than isolated protected areas. (5) Focusing on delivery; through greater effectiveness and capacity building. (6) Restoring the Earth; we are no longer just talking about “saving” nature but rebuilding functional ecosystems in the many parts of the world where they have become degraded or destroyed. We end the book on a note of cautious optimism.