The news about the victory of October Revolution and capture of power by Bolsheviks was welcomed by Indian nationalists in India as well as in Europe. The Committee for Indian independence based at Berlin made efforts for establishing contacts with Soviet Russia. The Indian committee for independence established contact with Soviet representative office in Berlin. The Indian revolutionary association set up in Kabul in early 1920 under the patronage of Comintern considered its goal to organize the hill tribes of ‘independent corridor’, where one of its leaders Muhammad Ali had planned to set up revolutionary centre. In October 1920 a group of 12 Indians, representing secret revolutionary organizations and independent tribes fighting against British colonialism came to Turkestan. In December 1921, when Virendra Nath Chattopadhyaya started an Indian News and Information Bureau in Berlin, Bhupendra Nath Datta refused to accept his old friend’s leadership and formed a rival body called India Independence Party, with Barakatullah as its president.