This book is essential for anyone interested in learning about the therapeutic potential of orthodox and state-of-the-art supports for autistics. Using research evidence, supports are rated using a Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Tin category system. Gold is extremely promising and use with confidence, whereas Tin is extremely unsafe and potentially life threatening. This book, however, is more complex than just presenting literature reviews about supports for autistics and then rating the efficacy of the support. In addition to this, the insights and experiences of autistics about the autism supports examined are presented. Such testimonials provide an insider perspective from those who ultimately stand to benefit or suffer after receiving a support – namely autistics themselves.

chapter 1|11 pages


chapter 2|11 pages

Strategies involving social interactions

chapter 4|26 pages

Assistive technology

chapter 5|18 pages

Therapeutic supports involving animals

chapter 6|20 pages

Sensory-based strategies

chapter 7|18 pages

Dietary programs

chapter 8|14 pages

Physical activities

chapter 9|16 pages

Music and art therapy

chapter 10|36 pages

Psychotropic medications

chapter 11|19 pages

Cognitive-based strategies

chapter 12|2 pages

Conclusion and final comments