Deena is 25 years old and has been working part time at a local grocery store for the past five years. She lives in a group home with three other young women, all like Deena who have intellectual disabilities. Deena was never athletic or one who liked physical education (PE) when she was at school, and she stopped taking PE after the tenth grade when PE was no longer required. She tended to be a little on the heavy side when she was in school, but living on her own and not being physically active has led to an additional 25-pound weight gain. Some of Deena’s friends in her group home similarly are not very physically active and have gained weight. One of the group home workers suggested that Deena and her friend try and find something more active to do during their leisure time other than watching TV. The focus of this case is how Deena and her friends access a new community recreation center to become more physically active.