Amaury Perez is a veteran adapted physical education (PE) specialist at Everglades High School located near Naples, Florida. If you were to spend some time at Everglades High School, you would notice how teachers there demonstrate consistent teamwork and collaboration. Ms. Pity, the general PE teacher at the school, is supportive of inclusion and depends heavily on Amaury’s expertise in teaching the children with disabilities. Amaury has the assistance of Ms. Marjorie, a paraeducator, and has periodic visits from Stephanie, the speech pathologist. He is very organized, enjoys talking and interacting with the students, and gives lots of praise to students who behave in appropriate ways. However, if a student does misbehave, Amaury quickly intervenes to stop the misbehavior. Ms. Marjorie is willing to assistant Amaury in any way she can. Mostly, she gathers the equipment to set up for the lesson, assists those students with disabilities who need hands-on help, and helps train and direct the peer tutors in their roles. Amaury and Ms. Marjorie work well together. In this case, strategies for increasing students’ appropriate behaviors are presented.