Michele Benson is starting her second year of teaching general physical education (PE) at East Side High School. She is an advocate for the integration of students with disabilities and other health impairments into her classes. However, Michele has never actually taught such students beyond her practicum experiences in college. So, when informed by Mr. Mart nez-Rivera (the school’s principal) that Abu Oserti Akuffo, a ninth-grade student with severe exercise-induced asthma, is to be included in her third-period class, she is excited and yet somewhat apprehensive. Her excitement and apprehensiveness both stem from the fact that Abu is the first student with a disabling condition to be included in her PE program. Michele worries whether she is competent enough to effectively teach a student with severe asthma - or any other disabling condition. Would she know what to do if Abu had an asthma attack? What activities can he safely participate in during PE? What activities are contraindicated for Abu? Michele has many questions. In this case, strategies for teaching students with other health impairments such as severe exercise-induced asthma in general PE classes are highlighted.