Personal survival is what scientific students of body-soul relationships tell us depends on an ongoing give-and-take between parts of the mechanism of the brains. Personal immortality would consist of the future’s entering the past and reshaping it without the action of the brain mechanism, doing this although the brain has gone dead, and the individual as body-in-action has become extinct. Personal immortality would consist of the future’s entering the past and reshaping it without the action of the brain mechanism, doing this although the brain has gone dead, and the individual as body-in-action has become extinct. The scientific conquest and taming of dream life is still more endeavor than achievement. Completion of dreams might, hence, be an insurance of ongoing mental health in the waking life, since in the latter the alternative to the imagery of dream life would be hallucinations, delusions and illusions. The tradition of the mystery of dream-interpretation may have started with articulate speech.