So deep, so perduring has been the influence on philosophy of Plato’s image of the real as a hierarchy of eternal and universal ideas, that his role of pioneer in the investigation of language and the making and use or words has fallen into the background, and is discussed incidentally. Socrates does argue that naming implies authentic knowledge, sure as the conventions of word-use cannot be sure because names, rightly given, are the likenesses and images of the things they name. Commonsense is the survival-function of an ongoing reciprocal permeation of the intake of the different senses into patterns of action, each a field with a fringe. Images keep resulting. They are formations consequent to our transactions with the diversifying ambience that our senses reach or that reaches our senses. Images so repeated come to be as creations which survive their creator, survive him at least as Lenin’s corpse survives the once-living person whose corpse it is believed to be.