Apart from a curiosity whose searchings and seekings are means which are their own ends, the goal of these explorations has been a precision and certainty regarding our ways with our words, which would render communication maximal and its meanings permanent. The “visual language in one visual style” is Neurath’s Isotype. The Plato of the Cratylus might find in ISOTYPE another confirmation of his opinion that names are first visual images of sounds which themselves image originals. The mixed-metaphor image of the fishform God perdured, while its devotees came and went, people after people, generation after generation, giving it new meanings without much changing its looks. Heisenberg and Schrödinger preferred to imagine the waves as “realities”: the latter because of their role in experimentation. Religions produce a diversity of symbolic concretions of mixed metaphors. Their rites and rotes are overloaded with them.