Hybrid Documentary and Beyond explores the theories, production techniques, ethics, and impact of hybrid documentaries.

Often described as simply a blend of fact and fiction, the author challenges this definition of hybrid documentary through an interrogative examination of not only why and how they are made, but also of their real-world impact upon subjects, filmmakers and audiences. Combining theoretical analysis withe real-world case studies and interviews with luminaries in the field she effectively demonstrates that hybrid documentaries can be creatively liberating for all involved and why their appeal and impact are growing globally.

Offering a fresh and bold perspective on hybrid documentary filmmaking that goes far beyond the existing canon on the subject, this book will be an essential resource for practitioners, scholars and students working in the areas of media arts and production, film studies and documentary.

chapter |2 pages


Hybrid documentary and beyond

part I|92 pages


chapter 1|26 pages

What are hybrid documentaries?

Re-contextualising the hybrid documentary in theoretical contexts, challenging the non-fiction–fiction definition

chapter 2|44 pages

Documentary and the obsession with definitions

Identifying the traits of hybrid documentary through classic 20th-century antecedents

chapter 3|20 pages

What is the truth?

Beyond the non-fiction–fiction blur, using philosophical, ethical frameworks to communicate the truth in hybrid documentary and beyond

part II|57 pages


chapter 5|21 pages


Exercises, problem-solving, script development, design as metaphor, form as content. The impact of workshops on graduate careers

chapter 6|18 pages

Subjects in hybrid documentaries

Casting, collaboration and co-creation. Whose story is it? What happens when hybrid documentaries behave badly and compromise the veracity of the content and integrity of the subjects? Are there checks and balances? Should there be? What are the experiences of participants/subjects of hybrid documentary?

part III|61 pages


chapter 7|16 pages


Late 20th-century innovators in form – Errol Morris, Brian Hill

chapter 8|30 pages


21st-century hybrid documentary makers – Lynette Wallworth, Anna Broinowski, Robert Greene

chapter 9|13 pages

New visions

Acclaimed debut hybrid documentary makers – Payal Kapadia, Kirsten Johnston