Earth reinforcement techniques are used worldwide, providing dependable solutions to a wide range of geotechnical engineering problems.Well-established earth reinforcement technologies are regularly augmented by new materials, innovative construction techniques and advances in design and analysis. Furthermore, reinforced earth structures are increasingly seen as expedient and economical techniques in disaster situations, such as earthquakes, flooding or tsunamis.

NEW HORIZONS in EARTH REINFORCEMENT contains contributions from the 5th International Symposium on Earth Reinforcement, Kyushu, Japan, 14-16 November 2007, and presents the very latest earth reinforcement techniques and design procedures. The volume showcases advances in materials and emerging applications, with special emphasis on disaster mitigation and geoenvironmental issues. The book will be invaluable to academics and professionals in
geotechnical engineering.

part |120 pages

Recent case histories of earth reinforcement

part |120 pages

Materials and new testing

part |106 pages

Advanced numerical modeling

part |79 pages

Design and measurement on full-scale behavior of reinforced structure

part |91 pages

Physical modeling

part |112 pages

Combined technologies

part |131 pages

Geo-hazards and mitigation