It is possible to beirrational without beinguneconomic ? What is the link betweenValue andvalues ? What do economists do when theyexplain ? We live in times when the economic logic has become unquestionable and all-powerful so that our quotidian economic experiences are defined by their scientific construal. This book is the result of a

part |2 pages

PART 1 Looking back, looking ahead

chapter 1|24 pages

The anatomy of a discipline

part |2 pages

PART 2 Rooting and routing economics

part |2 pages

PART 3 Issues of knowledge and difference

part |2 pages

PART 4 Juxtaposing questions of identity and the economic

chapter 4|32 pages

Identity problematics

chapter 5|33 pages

Economics and identity

part |2 pages

PART 5 In conclusion

chapter 7|24 pages

Writing economic theory anOther way