This book explores the relationship between Islamism, secularism and violence against women in the Middle East and North Africa. Drawing on case studies from across the region, the authors examine the historical, cultural, religious, social, legal and political factors affecting this key issue.

Chapters by established scholars from within and outside the region highlight:

  • the interconnections of violence and various sources of power in the Middle East: the state, society, and the family
  • conceptions of violence as family and social practice and dominant discourse
  • the role of violence as pattern for social structuring in the nation state.

By centring the chapters around these key areas, the volume provides an innovative theoretical and systematic research model for gender and violence in the Middle East and North Africa. Dealing with issues that are not easily accessible in the West, this book underlines the importance of understanding realities and problems relevant to Muslim and Arab societies and discusses possible ways of promoting reforms in the MENA region. As such it will be of great interest to students and scholars of gender studies, sociology, political science and criminal justice.

chapter 1|9 pages


Contextualizing gender and violence in the Middle East

part I|15 pages

Conceptualization and Theoretical Background

part II|68 pages

Armed Conflict and Gender-based Violence

part III|43 pages

Politics, War, and Violence against Women in Iraq and Afghanistan

chapter 6|18 pages

War And Gender In Ba'thist Iraq

chapter 7|23 pages

Violence Against Afghan Women

Tradition, religion, conflict, and war

part IV|48 pages

Religious and Social Violence against Women

chapter 8|12 pages

Religious-Based Violence Against Women, And Feminist Responses

Iran, Afghanistan, and Algeria

chapter 9|22 pages

Strategy In The Battles Over Her

Islamism and secularism

part V|31 pages

Gender-based Discrimination and Legal Reform

chapter 12|18 pages

Violence Against Women In Morocco

Advances, contentions, and strategies to combat it

part VI|28 pages

Language, Sexual Harassment, and Media

chapter 14|16 pages

Dismantling The Discourses Of War

Palestinian women filmmakers address violence 1