This is a book about the difficulties of thinking and acting politically in ways that refuse the politics of nationalism. The book offers a detailed study of how contemporary attempts by theorists of cosmopolitanism, citizenship, globalism and multiculturalism to go beyond nationalism often reproduce key aspects of a nationalist imaginary. It argues that the challenge of resisting nationalism will require more than a shift in the scale of politics – from the national up to the global or down to the local, and more than a shift in the count of politics – to an emphasis on diversity and multiculturalism. In order to avoid the grip of ‘nationalist thinking’, we need to re-open the question of what it means to imagine community.

Set against the backdrop of the imaginative geographies of the War in Terror and the new beginning promised by the Presidency of Barack Obama, the book shows how critical interventions often work in collaboration with nationalist politics, even when the aim is to resist nationalism. It claims that a nationalist imaginary includes powerful understandings of freedom, subjectivity, sovereignty and political space/time which must also be placed under question if we want to avoid reproducing ideas about ‘us’ and ‘them’. Drawing on insights from feminist, cultural and postcolonial studies as well as critical approaches to International Relations and Geography, this book presents a unique and refreshing approach to the politics of nationalism.

chapter |12 pages


The persistence of nationalist imaginaries

part I|46 pages

Unpacking nationalist imaginaries

chapter 1|16 pages

Beyond ‘imagined communities'

Nationalism and the politics of knowledge

chapter 2|12 pages

Weberian tales

Disenchantment, mastery and meaning

chapter 3|16 pages

Rousseau's legacies

The politics of time, community and loss

part II|63 pages

Contesting nationalist imaginaries

chapter 4|12 pages

Urban cosmopolitanism

The return of the nation in times of terror

chapter 5|16 pages

Nationalism and its limits

The politics of imagination

chapter 6|22 pages

Sites of memory and the city as a melee

chapter II|11 pages


The aftermath of nationalist imaginaries