The Encyclopedia of Domestic Violence is a modern reference from the leading international scholars in domestic violence research. This ground-breaking project has created the first ever publication of an encyclopedia of domestic violence. The primary goal of the Encyclopedia is to provide information on a variety of traditional, as well as breakthrough, issues in this complex phenomenon.

The coverage of the Encyclopedia is broad and diverse, encompassing the entire life span from infancy to old age. The entries include the traditional research areas, such as battered women, child abuse and dating violence. However, this Encyclopedia is unique in that it includes many under-studied areas of domestic violence, such as ritual abuse-torture within families, domestic violence against women with disabilities, pseudo-family violence and domestic violence within military families. It is also unique in that it examines cross-cultural perspectives of domestic violence.

One of the key special features in this Encyclopedia is the cross-reference section at the end of each entry. This allows the reader the ability to continue their research of a particular topic.

This book will be an easy-to-read reference guide on a host of topics, which are alphabetically arranged. Precautions have been taken to ensure that the Encyclopedia is not politically slanted; rather, it is hoped that it will serve as a basic guide to better understanding the myriad issues surrounding this labyrinthine topic.

Topics covered include: Victims of Domestic Violence; Theoretical Perspectives and Correlates to Domestic Violence; Cross-Cultural Perspectives and Religious Perspectives; Understudied Areas within Domestic Violence Research; Domestic Violence and the Law; and Child Abuse and Elder Abuse.

letter |51 pages


entry |6 pages

Africa: Domestic Violence and the Law

entry |5 pages

Africa: The Criminal Justice System and the Problem of Domestic Violence in West Africa

entry |7 pages

African American Community, Domestic Violence in

entry |3 pages

Analyzing Incidents of Domestic Violence: The National Incident-Based Reporting System

entry |8 pages

Animal Abuse: The Link to Family Violence

entry |8 pages

Asian Americans and Domestic Violence: Cultural Dimensions

entry |4 pages

Assessing Risk in Domestic Violence Cases

entry |10 pages

Attachment Theory and Domestic Violence

letter |59 pages


entry |7 pages

Battered Husbands

entry |4 pages

Battered Wives

entry |7 pages

Battered Woman Syndrome

entry |7 pages

Battered Woman Syndrome as a Legal Defense in Cases of Spousal Homicide

entry |7 pages

Battered Women, Clemency For

entry |2 pages

Battered Women: Held in Captivity

entry |6 pages

Battered Women who Kill: An Examination

entry |5 pages

Batterer Intervention Programs

entry |6 pages

Batterer Typology

entry |8 pages

Bullying and the Family

letter |115 pages


entry |6 pages

Caregiver Violence Against People with Disabilities

entry |5 pages

Child Abuse: A Global Perspective

entry |8 pages

Child Abuse and Juvenile Delinquency

entry |6 pages

Child Abuse and Neglect in the United States: An Overview

entry |4 pages

Child Maltreatment, Interviewing Suspected Victims of

entry |5 pages

Child Neglect

entry |10 pages

Child Sexual Abuse

entry |4 pages

Children Witnessing Parental Violence

entry |6 pages

Christianity and Domestic Violence

entry |6 pages

Coercive Control

entry |6 pages

Cohabiting Violence

entry |2 pages

Community Response to Domestic Violence

entry |3 pages

Community Response to Gay and Lesbian Domestic Violence

entry |7 pages

Compassionate Homicide and Spousal Violence

entry |7 pages

Conflict Tactics Scales

entry |7 pages

Control Balance Theory and Domestic Violence

entry |4 pages

Corporal Punishment, Religious Attitudes Toward

entry |4 pages

Cross-Cultural Examination of Domestic Violence in China and Pakistan

entry |4 pages

Cross-Cultural Examination of Domestic Violence in Latin America

entry |3 pages

Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Domestic Violence

entry |5 pages

Cross-Cultural Perspectives on How to Deal with Batterers

entry |3 pages

Cycle of Violence

letter |38 pages


entry |2 pages

Date Rape

entry |4 pages

Dating Violence

entry |4 pages

Dating Violence Among African American Couples

entry |3 pages

Depression and Domestic Violence

entry |5 pages

Dissociation in Domestic Violence, the Role of

entry |6 pages

Divorce, Child Custody, and Domestic Violence

entry |2 pages

Domestic Homicide in Urban Centers: New York City

entry |7 pages

Domestic Violence by Law Enforcement Officers

entry |5 pages

Domestic Violence Courts

letter |41 pages


entry |4 pages

Education as a Risk Factor for Domestic Violence

entry |6 pages

Elder Abuse, Assessing the Risks of

entry |4 pages

Elder Abuse, Consequences of

entry |5 pages

Elder Abuse and Neglect: Training Issues for Professionals

entry |5 pages

Elder Abuse by Intimate Partners

entry |6 pages

Elder Abuse Perpetrated by Adult Children

entry |5 pages

Electronic Monitoring of Abusers

entry |4 pages

Exchange Theory

entry |2 pages

Expert Testimony in Domestic Violence Cases

letter |25 pages


entry |6 pages

Factors Influencing Reporting Behavior by Male Domestic Violence Victims

entry |5 pages

Fatality Reviews in Cases of Adult Domestic Violence Homicide and Suicide

entry |2 pages

Female Suicide and Domestic Violence

entry |6 pages

Feminist Theory

entry |6 pages

Filicide and Children with Disabilities

letter |19 pages


entry |7 pages

Gay and Bisexual Male Domestic Violence

entry |3 pages

Gay Domestic Violence, Police Attitudes and Behaviors Toward

entry |2 pages

Gender Socialization and Gay Male Domestic Violence

entry |7 pages

Greece, Domestic Violence in

letter |20 pages


entry |9 pages

Healthcare Professionals' Roles in Identifying and Responding to Domestic Violence

entry |4 pages

Homelessness, the Impact of Family Violence on

entry |7 pages

Human Rights, Refugee Laws, and Asylum Protection for People Fleeing Domestic Violence

letter |48 pages


entry |7 pages

Identity Theory and Domestic Violence

entry |5 pages


entry |3 pages

Inmate Mothers: Treatment and Policy Implications

entry |8 pages

Intergenerational Transfer of Intimate Partner Violence

entry |5 pages

Intimate Partner Homicide

entry |6 pages

Intimate Partner Violence and Mental Retardation

entry |7 pages

Intimate Partner Violence, Forms of

entry |7 pages

Intimate Partner Violence in Queer, Transgender, and Bisexual Communities

letter |11 pages


entry |6 pages

Jewish Community, Domestic Violence within the

entry |5 pages

Judicial Perspectives on Domestic Violence

letter |21 pages


entry |6 pages

Lautenberg Law

entry |8 pages

Legal Issues for Battered Women

entry |7 pages

Lesbian Battering

letter |58 pages


entry |3 pages

Male Victims of Domestic Violence and Reasons they Stay with their Abusers

entry |6 pages

Mandatory Arrest Policies

entry |4 pages

Marital Rape

entry |2 pages

Measuring Domestic Violence

entry |4 pages

Mediation in Domestic Violence

entry |8 pages

Medical Neglect Related to Religion and Culture

entry |3 pages

Medicalization of Domestic Violence

entry |6 pages

Military Families, Domestic Violence Within

entry |4 pages

Minorities and Families in America, Introduction to

entry |3 pages

Mothers Who Kill

entry |6 pages

Multicultural Programs for Domestic Batterers

entry |7 pages

Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome

entry |2 pages

Mutual Battering

letter |8 pages


entry |4 pages

Native Americans, Domestic Violence Among

entry |4 pages

Neurological and Physiological Impact of Abuse

letter |72 pages


entry |8 pages

Parental Abduction

entry |6 pages


entry |7 pages

Police Civil Liability in Domestic Violence Incidents

entry |5 pages

Police Decision-Making Factors in Domestic Violence Cases

entry |5 pages

Police Response to Domestic Violence Incidents

entry |6 pages

Popular Culture and Domestic Violence

entry |7 pages

Post-Incest Syndrome

entry |4 pages

Postpartum Depression, Psychosis, and Infanticide

entry |7 pages

Pregnancy-Related Violence

entry |3 pages

Prosecution of Child Abuse and Neglect

entry |7 pages

Protective and Restraining Orders

entry |7 pages

Pseudo-Family Abuse

letter |8 pages


entry |8 pages

Qur'anic Perspectives on Wife Abuse

letter |14 pages


entry |9 pages

Ritual Abuse–Torture in Families

entry |3 pages

Rule of Thumb

entry |2 pages

Rural Communities, Domestic Violence in

letter |85 pages


entry |3 pages

Same-Sex Domestic Violence: Comparing Venezuela and the United States

entry |3 pages

Sexual Aggression Perpetrated by Females

entry |6 pages

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: the Need for Education in Servicing Victims of Trauma

entry |3 pages

Shaken Baby Syndrome

entry |5 pages

Shelter Movement

entry |2 pages

Sibling Abuse

entry |2 pages

Social Class and Domestic Violence

entry |4 pages

Social, Economic, and Psychological Costs of Violence

entry |9 pages

Social Learning Theory and Family Violence

entry |7 pages

South Africa, Domestic Violence In

entry |9 pages

Spain, Domestic Violence in

entry |4 pages

Spousal Abuse, the Physical And Psychological Impact of

entry |1 pages

Spousal Prostitution

entry |5 pages

Stages of Leaving Abusive Relationships

entry |10 pages


entry |7 pages

Stockholm Syndrome in Battered Women

entry |5 pages

Substance Use/Abuse and Intimate Partner Violence

letter |11 pages


entry |9 pages

Training Practices for Law Enforcement in Domestic Violence Cases

entry |2 pages

Trinidad and Tobago, Domestic Violence in

letter |7 pages


entry |4 pages

Victim-Blaming Theory

entry |3 pages

Violence against Women Act

letter |15 pages


entry |6 pages

Women with Disabilities, Domestic Violence Against

entry |5 pages

Workplace, Domestic Violence In

entry |4 pages

Worldwide Sociolegal Precedents Supporting Domestic Violence from Ancient to Modern Times