In the hands of the corporate sector, marketing has turned us into spoilt, consumption-obsessed children who are simultaneously wrecking our bodies, psyches and planet. Given the fiduciary duties of the corporation, notions like consumer sovereignty, customer service and relationship building are just corrosive myths that seduce us into quiescence, whilst furnishing big business with unprecedented power. Corporate Social Responsibility, the ultimate oxymoron, and its country cousin, Cause Related Marketing, are just means of currying favour amongst our political leaders and further extending corporate power.

So it is time to fight back. As individuals we have enormous internal strength; collectively we have, and can again, change the world (indeed marketing itself is a function of humankind’s capacity to cooperate to overcome difficulties and way predates its co-option by corporations). From the purpose and resilience Steinbeck’s sharecroppers (‘we’re the people – we go on’), through Eisenhower’s ‘alert and knowledgeable citizenry’ to Arundhati Roy’s timely reminder about the wisdom of indigenous people ‘are not relics of the past, but the guides to our future’, there are lots of reasons for optimism. If these talents and strengths can be combined with serious moves to contain the corporate sector, it is possible to rethink our economic and social priorities. The book ends with a call to do just this.

This compelling and accessible book will be of interest across the social sciences and humanities – and indeed to anyone who has concerns about the current state of consumer society. It will also be particularly useful reading for those marketing students who'd prefer a critical perspective to the standard ritualization of their discipline.

part I|144 pages

Out of control

chapter 1|15 pages

The Soft Power of Marketing

chapter 2|17 pages

The Customer Always Comes Second

chapter 3|15 pages

A Tyranny of Choice

chapter 4|18 pages

Not Exactly Lying ...

chapter 5|20 pages

Suffer the Little Children

chapter 6|14 pages

Digital Redemption?

chapter 7|19 pages

A Very Mixed Blessing

chapter 8|21 pages

Marketing to Power

part II|39 pages


chapter 9|12 pages

In Search of Solutions

chapter 10|13 pages

Power to the People

chapter 11|12 pages

Marketing as if People Mattered