Time-limited Art Psychotherapy: Developments in Theory and Practice comes at a watershed in the provision of art psychotherapy in public services. The increase in 'payment by results', clinical throughput and evidence-based practice, as well as the changing NHS context means there is an increasing need to provide effective therapeutic treatments within brief time limits where appropriate.

The book brings together the developments in theory and practice in time-limited working strategies emerging in the field. The contributors, all practising therapists, examine the practice of time-limited art therapy with different clients in a range of settings, with a variety of approaches, showing how they react and adapt to the changing face of mental health services.

Time-limited Art Psychotherapy will be essential reading to trainers and trainees in art psychotherapy and other schools of psychotherapy who integrate creative approaches within their practice. It will also form a useful contribution to the continuing professional development for a range of psychological therapists and practitioners of integrated psychotherapies such as CAT and mentalisation based therapies amongst others.

chapter |9 pages


chapter 1|17 pages

Time-limited art psychotherapy

Theory from practice and teaching

chapter 2|17 pages

Quick sketches and snapshots for brief art therapy

As a time-limited approach

chapter 4|27 pages

Portrait of self and other

Developing a mentalization-focused approach to art therapy within a personality disorder service

chapter 10|14 pages

Time-limited group work in a community mental health team

A short-term art psychotherapy group for Asian women