While the grid is a marvel in engineering design and may be one of mankind’s greatest achievements, it has yet to be transformed into a modern grid, a sustainable grid, a truly Smart Grid that takes advantage of proven, cleaner, cost-e¡ective technologies that are available today or under development. Whether you believe in the Smart Grid or not, most of the utility industry agrees that the Smart Grid e¡orts are certainly placing a new emphasis on improved and new technologies for the utility grid as well as consumers. e Smart Grid e¡ort has still a long way to go; it will continually evolve, driven by the economies and regulations across the world; and who knows the ™nal state of the e¡ort, but it looks

22.3 Substation Technology Advances ............................................... 22-10 22.4 Platform for Smart Feeder Applications ................................... 22-14 22.5 IEC 61850 in Smart Substations .................................................22-15

22.6 Smart Grid, Where Do We Go from Here? ..............................22-29 References ..................................................................................................22-30

like it has su¯cient momentum to bring signi™cant advances in technology and changes in the industry. ere will be winners and there will be losers, not just in technologies and vendors, but also in the utilities and their Smart Grid deployments. Consumers will also be among the winners and losers, as has been seen recently by some challenges with consumer acceptance of Smart Grid.