Everyday, we are bombarded with advertising images of the smiling service worker. The book is written with the aim of focusing beneath the surface of these fairy tale images, to seek out and understand the reality of service workers experience. Within the sociology of work and related literatures, there are an increasing number of empirical studie

1. Critical Perspectives on Service Work: An Introduction, Marek Korczynski and Cameron Macdonald 2. Chaplin’s Modern Times: Service Work, Authenticity, and Nonsense at the Red Moon Café 3.The Globalization of Nothing and the Outsourcing of Service Work 4. The Disneyization of Society 5. Understanding the Contradictory Lived Experience of Service Work: The Customer-Oriented Bureaucracy 6. Labor Process Theory: Putting the Materialism Back into the Meaning of Service Work 7. Intersectionality in the Emotional Proletariat: A New Lens on Employment Discrimination in Service Work 8. The Globalization of Care 9. The Promise of Service Worker Unionism 10. Conclusion - Latte Capitalism and Late Capitalism: Reflections on Fantasy and Care as Part of the Service Triangle