The textile industry is a diverse industry, not only in terms of the

final product range, but also in terms of raw materials, processes,

products, and equipment, and additionally addresses an extremely

complex supply chain. This industry, which caters to one of the basic

needs of mankind, has far-reaching environmental impacts, not only

in terms of the discharge to the environment and surroundings, but

also in terms of depletion of natural resources due to the consumption

of large amounts of water and energy. These impacts have been

realized for the last few decades, and various stringent regulations

have been implemented by legal entities and also through the efforts

of organizations like Greenpeace International, whose investigation

into the apparels of famous brands identifying the presence of

harmful chemicals has shocked the global consumer. The awareness

created by Greenpeace International forced brands to review their

supply chains and work toward ZDHC by 2020. This chapter will

deal in detail with conventional textile processes, characteristics of

textile effluents, conventional effluent treatment, new technologies

for ET, new challenges and norms for textile effluents, ZLD/ZDHC,

and the future of textile effluent treatment.