With the changes in network technology and lifestyle, most elderly people have to learn how to use technologies such as networks and smart devices for social communication, emotional connections, and interpersonal communication activities so as to meet their needs for communication. However, most mobile communication software and interfaces do not consider the usage and needs of the elderly. This study explored the purpose of usage, operating habits, and problems of 10 elderly people through a literature review, in-depth interviews, and observation records so as to learn more about the intentions and habits of the elderly when using smart mobile devices. The results show that: (1) LINE is the most commonly used mobile device application for Taiwanese elderly, and they mainly use text, picture, and video functions to communicate with their relatives and friends; (2) The elderly watch news audio and video with mobile devices and prefer to click on titles with larger text; (3) The elderly use the bus dynamic information APP most often to assist in transportation trips when they go out; (4) According to behavior observations, it is found that most elderly people actually use smart mobile devices for a longer time and for more times than what they admit themselves.