The conspiracy theories (CT), the conspiratorial historiography and the themes contained within these writings were consumed with a passion by an attentive reading public, upholding the official Kemalist historiography but radicalizing it. CTs related to daily life also entered the Turkish CT scene, with the twist in the Turkish appropriation of environmental and health-related CTs being their incorporation into the national conspiratorial narrative. The Greeks and Armenians were no longer perceived as frantically seeking to fulfill their national aspirations, which were inherently antithetical to Turkish interests, but were considered rather as lackeys of an international plot to eradicate the Turkish nation-state. The sharp dichotomy drawn between the staunch defenders of the secular Turkish republic and its enemies within and abroad constituted their motivations, along with the underlying paradigm. These CTs also all presumed a level of coordination and tight cooperation between the co-conspiring enemies, both within and abroad, who were collaborating to destroy the secular Turkish republic.