Metrication of time involves a mathematical representation of certain aspects of time and the system of all events. Basically what we wish to achieve through a metrication of time is a systematic way both of assigning dates to things in time and to temporal items and of assigning measures to their respective durations. The Objectivist and the Conventionalist need not disagree on the practical considerations to be taken into account in selecting a clock to serve as the basis of a metrication. The disagreement between the Objectivist and the Conventionalist does not arise over the question of the factors to be taken into account in selecting a physical system to serve as a clock. Both the Conventionalist and the Objectivist can agree that the factors enumerated above ought to govern our choice of a preferred clock system. Thus, Platonism is, in essence, neutral on the Objectivist-Conventionalist controversy concerning the metric of time.