Many of the best-attested stories of past happenings rest on the testimony and personal integrity of witnesses whose creeds and convictions make them personae non gratae with sceptics and whose deaths, often decades ago, make a proper investigation impossible. The parapsychologists and many psychologists accept as normal faculties of the human mind such as telepathy, cryptomnesia, telemnesia, telesthesia and other abilities which may come under the general heading of extra-sensory perception, undermines any spiritual interpretation of the universe for many thinkers. Automatic writing of foreign tongues or writing by appliances like the planchette could also be an expression of extra-sensory perception or drawn from the universal subconscious. The spirit controls of mediums can all be explained as subconscious personifications or dissociated personalities combined with extra-sensory ability in some instances. Although examples of Christian xenolalia may have happened, none has as yet been recorded on tape.