Heat stress causes thermoregulatory responses and places an additional strain on physiological systems and organs, particularly the heart, which is why it is mainly elderly and vulnerable people who die or are admitted to hospital during heat waves. Heat illnesses can be caused by a strain on the heart and circulatory system, sweating, skin disorders, and disturbance of water and electrolyte balance. The clinical feature of heat syncope is fainting while standing erect and immobile in heat. Heat syncope should be prevented by acclimatization and, if possible, clothing design to allow evaporation of sweat and allowing intermittent activity to assist venous return to the heart. Clinical features of prickly heat are profuse tiny raised red vesicles on affected areas causing pricking sensations during heat exposure. Treatment is to apply mild drying lotions ensuring skin cleanliness to prevent infection and prevention is to provide cool sleeping quarters to allow skin to dry between heat exposures.