Energy is an essential item for social development, and during the Industrial Revolution, the required energy was provided by burning carbon-based fossil fuels, including coal, oil, and gas. The main solution to this is the rapid introduction of renewable energy sources, such as hydro, biomass, solar, wind to generate our future energy, filling huge deficit and reducing further environmental pollution. Solar energy comes at the top of the renewables list and ‘Energy for All’ can be achieved by the rapid introduction of renewable energy sources. One method is to absorb mainly the heat energy, and this is generally known as ‘solar thermal technology’. All materials around us can be classified into three main groups: electrical conductors, semiconductors, and insulators. The most basic interface is the p-n junction formed within one semiconductor crystal lattice having p-type and n-type electrical conduction in two adjacent regions. A hetero-junction is another simple modification of the p-n-type interface.