In 1830 Charles Lyell published, under the title of “Principles of Geology,” a work in which he thoroughly reformed the science of Geology and the history of the earth’s development, Charles Darwin in his work reformed the science of Biology. Lyell’s great treatise, which radically destroyed George Cuvier’s hypothesis of creation, in which Cuvier celebrated his triumph over the nature-philosophy, and established his supremacy in the domain of morphology. The voyage of the Beagle was of the highest importance to the full development of Darwin’s genius; when he set his foot on the soil of South America, the outline of the Doctrine of Descent dawned upon him. After his return from his voyage in the Beagle, Darwin resided n London and partly in Cambridge, and in 1839 married his cousin, Emma Wedgewood. As in all his labours, Darwin proceeded with extreme care and accuracy.