There is an often quoted adage: “They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” It is often cited by educators because it so poignantly captures the important role that teachers play in creating a positive climate in their classroom. Good teachers are relentless in encouraging their students. They give out compliments on a regular basis. They avoid sarcasm. They control their own negative emotions. Sometimes, teachers may need to infrequently vent to colleagues, but it is never a good idea to disparage their class. Good teachers work to ensure that their class is an emotionally safe place for all their students, and as it turns out, students who feel good about themselves are in a much better position to actually learn something. Students are not overly complicated. They like to feel supported, encouraged, and valued – just like teachers. Here are five tips for building a healthy class climate – the type of class where students leave the room feeling better about themselves:

75Talk to students when they walk into class.

Learn one thing about each student.

Praise publicly and criticize privately.

Apologize when you need to.

Do not take yourself too seriously.