The new East India Company that John Drummond joined as a Proprietor in 1717, which had usurped the Old East India Company, was an institution he was familiar with from an earlier date. It was one of the monopolist companies, and fast becoming a vast, complex organisation. In 1725, this patronage system for the good government of Scotland came to life with Sir Robert Walpole, and through the services of Drummond. It could also be argued that Walpole, Drummond, and the Argathelians always aimed to seize immediate opportunities for themselves stemming from these developments. Posts gained through the India patronage system were welcomed by the landowning gentry, burgesses, and the professional classes. Needless to say, it was almost certainly in Drummond’s mind when he entered the East India Direction in 1722 that he would be able to serve his family and enhance their wealth through providing positions in the Company; and this is exactly what he did.