In the 20 century, the focus of interest moved to irreversible processes, with particular emphasis on biophenomena. Many works were devoted to molecular classification. The application of multi-valued digits or real properties instead of Boolean ones was tested. A class consists of a number of similar chemical species gathered together. EC is proposed as a selection criterion between different variants, resulting from classification between hierarchical trees. In the last, the approach was made between EC and Glansdorff & Prigogine's theorem, according to which the stationary states of open homogeneous systems are cases of maximum EP. The approach comprises a supplementary side, which is that of the hierarchical, multiscale systems organized at different complexity levels. The non-Archimedean analysis is the mathematical tool adapted to the study of the hierarchical and multi-scale systems. A necessity of collaboration exists as chemists are increasingly confronted with a great amount of data to interpret. I.