On account of his strange character, ‘Abbas seems to have had very few friends; he had been on bad terms with Ibrahim Pasha and he treated his relations with severity. ‘Abbas must be credited with having a character of his own and a better knowledge of his country‘s needs than many of the office-seekers around him. ‘Abbas reorganised the army, the system of fortifications and military strategic roads contemplated by Ibrahim Pasha; he maintained the services of Sulaiman Pasha, who appears to have had considerable influence with him. ‘Abbas, surprised at this huge figure, called in his three Egyptians and asked them to discuss the financial aspect of this school and the Observatory, and to draw up a scheme which would be more economical. The exposition of the life and reign of ‘Abbas Pasha, written by Professor Sammarco, contains much that is probably true of him, but offers a general misrepresentation of facts.